Lunarpa aerial harp act, photo: live mountain
Young stage festival 2023, photos: Pablo Wunsch Blanco
Below: CVA special award
Welcome the website of Anja Luna. Anja is an international circus artist and musician, currently based in Switzerland.
She graduated from the national circus school in Montreal ENC in June 2022! Anja performes an unique innovative aerial harp act with self composed live music called Lunarpa. Less than a year after graduating, she got selected to perform her act at the International Young Stage Festival and won the CVA special award for her performance.
In 2023, she founded her own circus, dance and music Company, called Cie EllementArts. This summer they will perform at Positive Trace Festival in Denmark.
Besides the productions with her company, Anja performs as a solo and duo artist with Duo ocean sisters in different shows and productions.
Anja is currently on tour across Switzerland in the Young Artists show 2024 with Das Zelt.
Anja also plays live harp concerts. Next dates:
Festival Art'borescence in Valangin, near Neuchâtel
Sunday June 29th at 11:30
Anja is part of Romanias got talent show 2024. Watch her full performance here: